LLLotW 2023.10
CAUL Response to the Universities Accord Discussion Paper
To be honest, I haven't paid any attention to the Australian government's “Universities Accord” process – endless talk-a-thons about “policy settings” bore me – but if you are interested in what CAUL wants the government (and, to an extent, university peak bodies) to know about academic libraries, this is worth a read.
TEQSA has some high level advice for academic teaching staff, and university students, about “Artificial Intelligence” [sic].
Has Tony Burke “Secured the future of Trove”?
With apologies for the self-citation, here's something I wrote over the Easter break looking at historical funding for the National Library and how it compares to the recent announcements when we take inflation into account. If you read it when it was first published and thought something was missing, you're right – the charts I created now actually display.
Libraries and Learning Links of the Week is published every week by Hugh Rundle.
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