LLLotW 2023.07

Comic Book Bans & Challenges

Episode 59 of ALIA Graphic Podcast from November last year is sadly suddenly more relevant, after the Queensland Police referred a complaint about certain books to the Australian Classification Board.

In this special episode, we discuss challenges and bans to books and specifically to comics in libraries across the United States of America.

Looking from a distance, the current wave of challenges and bans the US is going through seems alien to us. We are concerned about what’s going on. We are concerned that teachers and librarians are being targeted and intimidated.

We are concerned that comics, graphic novels, and books are being pulled off the shelves. Even titles that have won awards, have received world wide recognition and have been part of the curriculum for years.

ALIA Graphic's prediction that this would come to Australia soon was, indeed, correct.

PNAS is not a good journal

Moin Syed with some truth bombs about the sorry state of academic publishing – ridiculous subscription and APC prices isn't the core problem.

Journals are simply not diagnostic of the articles published therein, and thus there is no way any particular journal could be construed as “good.”

This article also includes a hilarious Conflict of Interest Statement:

I made a bet ($5.00) with Ira Hyman in 2019 that the journal impact factor would no longer be used within five years, and thus I have financial motivation to write negatively about impact factors.

Future of Arts, Culture & Technology Symposium

Exploring the future of arts, culture, and technology in Australia – and the mindsets, capabilities and skills we need to get there.

This symposium took place on 14 and 15 February, you can see videos of some of the sessions at the link.

Libraries and Learning Links of the Week is published every week by Hugh Rundle.

Subscribe by following @fedi@lllotw.hugh.run on the fediverse or sign up for email below.