LLLotW 2023.05

Beyond Web of Science and Scopus there is already an open bibliodiverse world of research – We ignore it at our peril

Saurabh Khanna, Jon Ball, Juan Pablo Alperin and John Willinsky with a rather polite article pointing out the myopia of the most common indexes of (allegedly) global research publications. North Atlantic corporates don't see much potential profit in acknowledging global south academic research, and universities and researchers in wealthy nations aren't much interested either. So everyone pretends that no research exists outside of large corporate pay-to-read or pay-to-publish journals.

AI Cataloging and Technical Services

Good news for catalogers – ChatGPT is just as bad at creating accurate MARC records as it is at producing accurate citations. Try not to look at the horrifying DALL-E images.


You may already know about this, but I didn't. A great search engine for images and audio that are all openly licensed. You can filter by format, source and license type. Be warned though, depending on the source not all of these images are safe for work.

Libraries and Learning Links of the Week is published every week by Hugh Rundle.

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