LLLotW 2022.17

‘All your data are belong to us’: the weaponisation of library usage data and what we can do about it

There have always been voices within librarianship raising the alarm about the use and misuse of data by our suppliers (ahem I'm sorry, “partners”). However as companies become increasingly public about repositioning themselves from “publishers” to “data brokers”, the rest of the profession seems to be belatedly waking up. This article is a pretty succinct overview of the issues.

At some point soon the Open Education community needs to have a conversation about where to draw the line between being able to measure use of OERs, and opening the door to the same kind of toxic metrics-driven invasion of reader autonomy.

Volume 1, No. 1 – Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education

It's a collectors' edition! The very first issue of Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education has been released, with an impressive collection of articles.

Online access to Archives' records removed after potential privacy breach

Archives New Zealand is not having a good week. Upon discovering that private information was leaking out of their brief public catalogue records, the entire online search system has been taken offline until the problem can be resolved. This is also not good news for Axiell, the vendor for the system that was implemented earlier this year. It will be interesting to see whether the cause of the problem and its eventual resolution become public knowledge.

Libraries and Learning Links of the Week is published every week by Hugh Rundle.

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