LLLotW 2022.15

Mapping the social worlds/Arena of open education

A talk by Tanya Elias at the ALT conference in April 2022. Elias talks about research she has done on the various “arenas” of open education and how they intersect and interact. Interesting stuff and not too long to wach.

Getting Real Close: What a Diary Study Can Do for Your Library

This is a really interesting piece in Weave journal about how Berlin State Library used a diary study as part of a building refurbishment project. This is a UX research technique I've not really considered before, but it sounds like it was perfect for their use case, and certainly could be useful in a range of library contexts.

When life gives you lemons, write better error messages

This is from Jenni Nadler of Wix. I've tried to use Wix before and found it maddening, but this article provides some really excellent advice that I've already used to improve an error page at my work. The formula provided for a good error message:

Great stuff.

Libraries and Learning Links of the Week is published every week by Hugh Rundle.

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