LLLotW 2022.10

DOERS3 Open Education in Tenure and Promotion Case Studies

This is a great project looking for authors to contribute to a book of case studies to show how teaching academics can use their open educational publications to leverage career promotion.

The DOERS3 Collaborative, building on its previous work with the DOERS3 OER Contributions Matrix, seeks authors for a book-length project centered around valuing open education work in the tenure, promotion, and reappointment process. To that end, we are interested in case studies written by faculty, staff, and administrators detailing their experiences trying to appropriately value OER and open educational work in that process.

Open source and cloud for managing digital collection materials

An interesting post from the Head of Digital Preservation at Cambridge University Library, about their digital preservation program(me). Cambridge have chosen to use open source software at the local level, and commercial cloud services for the storage layer.

Aligning the Research Library to Organizational Strategy

A joint report from ARL and CARL, who commissioned Ithaka S+R to run a consultation of “university leaders” across the USA and Canada to gauge their priorities, strategic ideas, and how they view their university library within that. Some of what is described seems more particular to the North American higher education cultural and economic context, but there are some really interesting insights here about how university politics works and how academic library leaders need to be thinking about that.

Libraries and Learning Links of the Week is published every week by Hugh Rundle.

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