LLLotW 2023.1
Happy New(ish) Year! LLLotW is back. In typical style, this edition is a bit late in the day. It's been A Week.
FLASHback: Reimagining the Australian Extension to LCSH
Alissa McCulloch's opening lines provide an excellent summary of this great blog post:
Australian library catalogues speak American English. This has pissed me off for as long as I can remember (long before I started working in libraries). I want to do something about it.
A new replication study revives the question: Is taking notes by hand really better for students?
Michelle Miller with some great stuff on learning, note-taking, and research replication:
Sure, it feels like vindication for those of us who have had it with the kids-these-days tone of the worst of the laptop ban arguments. But I hope we can make this more than another tit-for-tat exchange between pro- and anti-technology camps. It should serve as a warning against the confirmation bias that is naturally going to happen as we search for evidence that supports our passionately held positions about learning. It should continue to serve as a push towards universal design for learning, with the realization that some learners are put at a disadvantage or excluded altogether when handwriting is mandatory.
Adam Mastroianni has many correct opinions and interesting things to say about scholarly peer review. You should read them.
Libraries and Learning Links of the Week is published every week by Hugh Rundle.
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