Edition 2022.09
A bunch of Open stuff for you today.
The team from COKI have just released a timely study on whether it's possible to use open research metadata to automate the much-complained-about and extremely resource intensive Exellence in Research Australia (ERA) process. Turns out the answer is “probably mostly yes”:
Given a sufficiently comprehensive dataset, containing output-affiliation links, output citation data, and the journal assignment that was planned for ERA 2023, we show that the COKI pilot system is able to generate ERA-like benchmarks and indicators, aligned with ERA 2018 methodology and proposed ERA 2023 methodology.
NHMRC’s revised Open Access Policy released
In what seems to have been a surprise to most people (including me), the NHMRC announced this week that all new grants, effective immediately, will require open access to all research publications either in “gold” open access journals, or the “green” route of a recognised institutional repository. There were three particularly interesting things about this new policy:
- Research involving Indigenous knowledges is specifically excluded from the open access requirements in recognition of the cultural sensitivities around how this knowledge is shared.
- To comply, publications must be CC-BY licensed (no SA or ND licensed allowed)
- Publishing in hybrid journals is not allowed (except when it is)
On the last point, there's a carve-out for any hybrid journals that are the subject of “read and publish” agreements negotiated by a group of institutions (presumably a reference to the recent CAUL agreements). I can't help feeling like CAUL has accidentally perpetuated the outrageous double-dipping hybrid journals represent, but hopefully this is the beginning of the end for them.
DOERS3 Open Education in Tenure and Promotion Case Studies
An excellent project has been launched by DOERS3 to provide real life case studies of academics whose OER work has assisted them in their academic career progression. The problem of OER creation being either ignored or punished by Big Academia is widely known and observed. These people are trying to do something practical about it.
The DOERS3 Collaborative, building on its previous work with the DOERS3 OER Contributions Matrix, seeks authors for a book-length project centered around valuing open education work in the tenure, promotion, and reappointment process.
A critical part of sustaining OER and open educational practices in higher education is recognizing the contributions by instructors who create and improve OER as part of their professional work. The OER community is very familiar with this issue and is hungry for examples for how others in the community are either navigating this process themselves or are assisting those who are.
By collecting case studies from those who have experience, DOERS3 seeks to provide as many examples from as many types of institutions as possible so that those looking for answers to this problem can find solutions that speak to their particular issues.
Libraries and Learning Links of the Week is published every week by Hugh Rundle.
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